Application forms, checklists, and templates

Use the following forms to lodge applications for new planning permit, amendments and extensions to existing permits, and more.

  • Forms should be sent via email to or posted to PO Box 18, Ballan, VIC 3342
  • Most of these applications require additional information to be included. Please read the form carefully and contact the Planning team to determine what is required.
  • If a fee is required for your application, our Customer Service team will contact you to request payment after you lodge the form.

New Planning Permit applications

Existing Planning Permits

Additional forms

Checklists and templates 

Use the following checklists, templates, and links to help you prepare documents and lodge applications. Contact us to speak with a member of the Planning team if you need help with your application.

All development applications

Native vegetation removal or protection (including understorey, midstorey and trees)

Typical rural applications

Residential applications

Typical business/industrial applications


Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I obtain copies of the land title, restrictive covenant, or section 173 agreements?

Titles (also known as register search statements) and related attachments can be obtained from Landata, where a fee is usually applicable.

How long does a planning permit or other application take for a decision?

The prescribed lead time for deciding a statutory planning application is within 60 days. Less complex applications such as approving plans or extending an expired permit are generally much quicker, however more complex ones can take longer.

How do I object to a planning permit application?

Objections to planning applications can be lodged online through Council’s Planning Permit Register (following the prompts for an application on ‘advertising’), by email or post attention Statutory Planning, reference no. (the PA no. or address) PO Box 18 Ballan VIC 3342.