Read about our plans to continually provide the services you need to feel safe and independent in the community
The Age Well Live Well Strategy 2022-2025 is a four year plan of how Council will work in partnership with local services, community groups and businesses to improve the health and wellbeing of older residents.
The Strategy includes eight priority areas for action that align with the World Health Organisation’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Framework.
Moorabool Shire will continue to build an age-friendly and inclusive municipality that:
1. Creates more opportunities for social participation and connection
2. Delivers community and health services that are responsive to needs
3. Involves residents in decision making processes and promotes volunteering
4. Designs accessible outdoor spaces and buildings
5. Fosters a culture of valuing and respecting all individuals
6. Uses a diverse range of communication channels to distribute information
7. Provides accessible public, community and private transport services
8. Provides affordable housing options for different needs and preferences
You can view the Age Well Live Well Strategy 2022-2025 for more information.