Register an accommodation business

Thinking of starting an accommodation business?

All accommodation premises must be registered with Council. These include businesses such as:

  • Residential accommodation (including bed and breakfast premises)
  • Hotels and motels
  • Hostels
  • Holiday camps
  • Rooming houses

New registration

To register an accommodation business please ensure you follow these steps:

Step 1.Contact Council

Contact Council’s Planning and Building teams to check if you need a planning or building permit. In the case of a rooming house, the class of the dwelling is required to be changed from Class 1A to a Class B in accordance with the Building Regulations and Building Code Australia.

Step 2.Have plans assessed

If you wish, you can have plans of your business assessed by Council’s Public Health team.

Step 3.Inspection

A final inspection is required and will be completed by one of Council's Public Health Officers. At this time you will also need to pay the registration fee.

Step 4.Rooming house requirements

If you plan on operating a rooming house, you must also apply for a licence (if you haven't already done so).

Transfer an existing registration

Step 1.Contact Council

If you are purchasing an existing registered accommodation business, an application to transfer must be submitted to Council. Council recommends requesting a pre-sale inspection to ensure the business is complying with the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.

Step 2.Inspection and payment

Once an application form has been received, a registration invoice will be generated and one of Council's Public Health Officers will be in contact to arrange a final inspection.

Step 3.What happens next?

Once the fee has been paid and the inspection completed, a registration certificate will be issued. 

Accommodation business registration fees for 24/25 financial year

Accommodation Business Fees  Amount 
Transfer of Registration $262.00
Prescribed Accommodation $521.00
Premises Pre-sale inspection and release of documents
(to be completed within 5 days of request) 
Premises Pre-sale inspection and release of documents
(to be completed within 14 days of request)
Plans Assessment $160.00
Late Payment Fee 50% of registration fee