Domestic Wastewater Management Plan
Here is information about Council's Domestic Wastewater Management Plan and inspection and monitoring program.
Under the State Environment Protection Policy, Moorabool Shire needs to develop a Domestic Wastewater Management Plan (DWMP) in conjunction with water authorities and the community, to best manage the almost 4800 septic tank systems within the Shire. The 2021 DWMP is Council's third DWMP and one of the key strategies for this plan is moving to a risk-based inspection program.
Inspection and Monitoring Program
With the implementation of the 2021 Domestic Wastewater Management Plan, a new risk-based inspection program is being introduced. Septic systems throughout the Shire will be given a High, Medium, or Low rating and this rating will affect how often Council will need to inspect your system. A septic system that receives a High risk rating will be inspected by Council more often to ensure that it is compliant in comparison to systems that receive a Medium or Low risk rating.
Factors that influence a systems risk rating include:
- Septic tank system locations (including whether within a potable water catchment);
- System type;
- Soil characteristics;
- Allotment size; and
- Results of onsite inspections.
The risk rating system will be fine-tuned during the first year of the 2021 DWMP to reflect additional risk parameters that may be applicable to a particular property such as allotment slope, proximity to waterways, flood prone land, groundwater extraction, and building use.
When your property is due for an inspection, a letter will be sent to your property to advise you of the upcoming inspection.