Council Plan and Community Vision

This Council Plan 2021 - 2025 outlines the strategic direction that Council will take over the next four years as we start the journey towards our Community Vision 2030.


Council ran a deliberative engagement program between December 2020 and March 2021 to identify the opinions and expectations of our community for the next ten years. In order to gain a wide range of insights during the interactive workshops, Council established a Community Reference Group that reflected the diverse groups within our municipality. 

The insights gained during the deliberative engagement workshops helped Council shape the Community Vision 2030 whilst providing the medium to long-term direction of how the community sees the municipality in ten years’ time. The development of the Council Plan 2021 - 2025 has been informed by the Community Vision 2030 and contains the measures required to deliver the strategic objectives over the next four years.

Council Plan 2021-2025

Council is committed to setting a strategic direction that will deliver key sustainable outcomes for the community. 

The Council Plan 2021-2025 sits within the Council’s planning framework and identifies the main priorities and expectations over the four-year term of the Plan. The Council Plan has taken into account where the Shire is currently situated in relation to the 2030 Vision and what needs to be undertaken over the four-year period.

Strategic objectives

  1. Healthy, inclusive and connected communities;
  2. Liveable and thriving environments;
  3. A Council that listens and adapts to the needs of our evolving communities.

The Council Plan sets out the actions and activities that will be used to achieve five priorities for each strategic objective. We will measure our performance against each objective through specific Council indicators. We will also monitor certain measures which fall outside of the control of Council, but influence Council’s performance against its strategic objectives.  

View the document 

View the Council Plan 2021-2025 (2024 Edition)(PDF, 10MB)

Each year through our Annual Report process we will be providing an update on our progress.


Community Vision 2030 

We carried out comprehensive community consultation between December 2020 and March 2021 to hear your thoughts about life in Moorabool Shire in 2030.

We ran a series of activities such as an online survey, phone interviews, consultation with schools and virtual workshops. More than 450 people participated in the community engagement activities. As a result of the engagement program we identified five key themes and constructed a Vision Statement that is realistic and inclusive.

Key themes 

Maintaining our rural charm, connected communities, well-planned neighbourhoods, embracing sustainability and a strong local economy.

Community Vision 2030 statement

“We embrace our natural environment and lifestyle options to create an inspiring place for everyone to live, work and play."

View the document 

View the Community Vision 2030 document.(PDF, 9MB)

 INTEGRITY                  I say what I mean and always do what’s right.

CREATIVITY                 I consider situations from multiple angles and perspectives.

ACCOUNTABILITY       I have the courage to make decisions and take ownership of their outcomes.

RESPECT                     I seek to understand and treat people how I would like to be treated.

EXCELLENCE              I take calculated risks to seek out better ways of doing things.       


These values translate to the acronym I CARE.

I CARE / WE CARE forms the basis of community and organisational communications and branding for the period of this plan.