Public Art in the Shire

Min Ray artwork installation

In June 2022 Council endorsed its first Public Art and Collections Policy after a detailed and thorough consultation process. The Policy provides a framework to ensure Moorabool Shire Council's public Art Collection is high quality, well maintained, and represents the Shire’s communities and cultural heritage.

The Policy encourages and supports the growth of public art in our communities and looks to enrich public space with creative expressions that reflect Moorabool’s unique cultural identity. By fostering a dynamic public art scene, Council aspires to enhance community pride, improve public spaces, and contribute to the cultural vibrancy and economic vitality of the Shire.

Some of Council’s objectives in developing a public art program are to:

  • Create moments of joy in everyday life
  • Showcase Moorabool as a creative place
  • Celebrate local distinctiveness and cultural diversity
  • Create conversation and social connection
  • Encourage tourism and economic development

Public Art and Collection Advisory Committee

Following the endorsement of Council’s first public art and collections policy, Council has established the Public Art and Collections Advisory Committee (PACAC). Its purpose is to support strategy and policy development for the municipality, perform consultative functions on public art and collections, and to ensure Council decisions are evidence based and informed by strong community input.  

The Public Art and Collections Advisory Committee will provide advice to Council on the commission, acquisition and de-asccession of public art within the shire, in accordance with the Public Art and Collections Policy. The Public Art and Collections Advisory Committee is guided by the Terms of Reference (TOR).