If you receive an infringement notice, you need to pay by the due date on the notice to avoid extra costs.
After the due date on the infringement notice we will send you a reminder, requiring payment plus costs. If still unpaid, the matter may be referred to Fines Victoria or the Magistrates' Court resulting in a higher fee and more costs.
We issue infringement notices for offences, such as (but not limited to)
- illegal parking
- failure to register a cat or dog
- finding dog at large or cat during curfew hours
- failure to comply with local laws
- failure to comply with fire prevention requirements
- infringements issued due to failure to comply with the Food Act 1984, Environment Protection Act 2017 and/or the Tobacco Act 1987
- breach of any permit conditions
- vegetation removal
- dumping of rubbish
How do I pay?
Infringements cannot be paid at Australia Post or via BPAY at this time. You can pay using any of the below methods: