Our transfer stations, or resource recovery centres, allow residents to drop off a range of materials for recycling or disposal.

Locations and hours of operation
Note: Last vehicle entry at all sites is 15 minutes before closing time.
- Maddingley: 51 Osborne Street
Open 10am-4pm Friday to Monday (closed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)
All transfer stations are closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day and Good Friday.
Transfer stations operate usual hours on total fire ban days unless otherwise advised. We cannot accept cash payments, only EFTPOS.
For any enquiries please call Council on 5366 7100.
Accepted items
Items accepted free of charge
- Household recyclables (cardboard, glass bottles/jars, aluminium and steel cans, hard plastic bottles/containers #1, #2, #5)
- Electrical and electronic waste (e-waste)
- White goods: washing machines, fridges etc
- Scrap metal
- Fluorescent light tubes and compact fluorescent light globes
- Household, NBN and car batteries
- Motor oil
Half cost gate fee
- Clean garden waste (green waste). Contaminated materials accepted at full cost.
Charged at cost - refer to gate fee table
- Domestic waste
- Hard rubbish e.g. furniture, household bric-a-brac
- Mattresses
- Tyres
- Trucks with loads up to 5 cubic metres
Not accepted:
- Asbestos, concrete, rubble, soil, paint, cement sheeting, tiles, bricks, rocks, explosives, gas cylinders, fire extinguishers, hazardous materials (chemicals, fuels)
Please note: Tip trucks are not permitted to offload directly into skips. Safety barriers must remain closed at all times.
These fees are in effect at all transfer stations from 1 July 2024.
Green waste is charged at half the rate of general waste disposal fee.
General waste disposal fees:
Type of Vehicle |
Residents ( Photo ID Required) |
Non-Residents |
Car or station wagon |
$37.20 |
$48.90 |
Trailers / Utes (up to 1.8m x 1.2m)
$96.60 |
Trailers / Utes (up to 1.8m x 1.2m)
Heaped |
$74.30 |
$163.00 |
Trailers / Utes (up to 1.8m x 1.2m)
High Sides |
$96.60 |
$211.00 |
Trailers (up to 2.4m x 1.5m)
Level |
$74.30 |
$163.00 |
Trailers (up to 2.4m x 1.5m)
$118.00 |
$258.00 |
Trailers (up to 2.4m x 1.5m)
High Sides
$136.00 |
$302.00 |
Loads up to 5m3
(per m3 rate) |
$80.00 |
$160.00 |
Mattress (per piece, any size) |
$43.50 each |
$43.50 each |
Tyre Types |
Cost |
Car |
$16.00 |
Car (tyres on rims) |
$14.90 |
Motorcycle |
$16 |
Light Truck and 4WD |
$20.20 |
Light truck and 4WD (tyres on rim) |
$23.40 |
Heavy Truck |
$42.50 |
Heavy Truck Super Single |
$59.50 |
Heavy Truck (tyres on rims) |
$35.10 |
Small Tractor |
$20.20 |
Large Tractor |
$23.40 |
Earthmover |
$35.10 |
Residents of general-rated properties (residential properties with an occupancy permit) are entitled to drop off 1m3 hard waste to a Moorabool Shire Transfer Station at no cost in alignment with each rating period.
What properties have the Hard Waste Disposal Entitlement?
Residential occupied properties that have a ‘General’ differential rate are entitled.
If your rates notice says ‘General’ you may drop off 1m3 hard waste at no cost.

How do I use the entitlement?
- Take your hard waste and your rates notice to a Moorabool Shire Transfer Station
- Present your rates notice to the transfer station attendant so they can check your property number
- The entitlement will be marked off the list
- The whole entitlement must be redeemed in a single visit not multiple trips.
- Valid until next year's rates notices are issued.
Volumes exceeding 1m3 will be charged as per the 2022-23 Transfer Station Fees.
What materials are accepted?
- Hard waste items such as broken or unwanted furniture
- Household items e.g. bric a brac, toys, sporting equipment and similar
- Household garbage, polystyrene and greenwaste is also accepted

What materials are not accepted?
x Mattresses, tyres, gas bottles
x Asbestos & hazardous materials
x Industrial, commercial or renovation waste
x Liquids, chemicals, paint, cooking oil
x Bricks, concrete, stone, clay, sand, soil
Remember: many items (such as e-waste, whitegoods and scrap metal etc) are accepted at the transfer stations and recycled at no cost.
I’m a tenant – can I use the entitlement?
Yes. Ask your real-estate agent to request the entitlement from the property owner. It is the property owner’s decision whether they reallocate the entitlement.
Your real-estate agent / landlord will need to provide written consent in a confirmation email (including property address) to info@moorabool.vic.gov.au. Please allow 10 business days once confirmation is sent before visiting the transfer station.
At the Transfer Station, please present proof of address (e.g. driver’s licence or utility bill).
I live in social / department housing - can I access the entitlement?
Yes. At the Transfer Station, please present proof of address (e.g. driver’s licence or utility bill).
I am physically unable to drop off items
A trusted friend or family member may take materials on your behalf if you provide them your rates notice to present to the transfer station attendant.
What does 1m3 look like?
1m3 is a slightly heaped 1.8m x 1.2m x 0.3m trailer. Material volumes exceeding 1m3 will be charged at cost.
Note the diagram below right shows how full a slightly heaped trailer would look with 1m3 of material in it.

Why aren’t mattresses accepted?
Mattresses incur a per piece processing fee – this is also why they are not accepted within the entitlement service.
However, for the month of March 2023 - mattresses will be half price to assist all residents with the cost of mattress recycling.
But I have an old fridge to get rid of…
Fridges, whitegoods and electronic/ electric items may be dropped off at the transfer stations for free recycling. Household, NBN, car batteries, scrap metal, yellow-lid recycling bin accepted materials and motor oil are also accepted at no charge.
Residents living outside of Council's waste collection areas may purchase transfer station vouchers to manage their waste. Vouchers are available at Council’s service centres - a sheet of 26 vouchers costs $100.90 including GST and lasts a year. Each voucher entitles disposal of the equivalent to a 240L wheelie bin. Four (4) vouchers are required for a small level trailer load (6 m x 4 m). Additional vouchers may be required for a heaped small trailer. Use your vouchers wisely!
Kerbside recyclables separated from other materials can be disposed of free of charge. Save your vouchers for disposal of household waste that can only go to landfill.
What if I misplace my waste vouchers?
Unfortunately Council is unable to re-issue misplaced vouchers. It is the responsibility of the resident to keep vouchers in a safe place.
Can I purchase additional waste vouchers?
Only one sheet (26 vouchers) can be purchased by residents in a non-serviced area per year.
Can I use my waste vouchers after the expiry date?
The expiry date printed on the transfer station vouchers allows for some overlap into the following financial year, however vouchers will not be accepted after the expiry date. There is also no refund on unused vouchers. Please plan ahead to ensure you are able to utilise your current vouchers.
Household chemicals disposal - Detox your Home
Detox your Home is a free program delivered in partnership with Sustainability Victoria allowing residents to safely dispose of unwanted toxic household chemicals.
Residents are welcome to attend any event in Victoria - search Sustainability Victoria for upcoming events around the state.
Further information about household chemical disposal:
Accepted materials
- Acids and alkalis Aerosol cans (empty cans with household recycling)
- Anti-freeze Brake fluid Car body filler Car wax Cleaners – ammonia based
- Cooking oil
- Coolant
- Detergents, disinfectants and drain cleaners
- Fertiliser
- Fire extinguishers
- Floor-care products and waxes
- Fuels – petrol, diesel, kerosene, other
- Glues – water-based and solvents
- Herbicides and weed killers
- Insect spray and pesticides
- Nail polish and remover
- Cosmetics
- Oven cleaner
- Thinners, turps and paint stripper
- Pool chemicals
- Rat poison
- Solvents
- Transmission fluid
- Wood preservatives and finishes (oils and varnish)
Materials not accepted
Paint won’t be accepted.
Fluorescent lights and batteries may be dropped off at the transfer stations during operational hours.
Chemicals can’t be decanted, so bring them in disposable, clearly labelled containers. If you don’t know what’s inside a container, label it as ‘unknown’. The maximum acceptable weight or size for a single container is 20 kilograms or 20 litres.
Farm chemicals
Unwanted agricultural or non-household chemicals must be disposed of by registering through the ChemClear program. Ask your neighbours if they need to dispose of farm chemicals as the ChemClear program will only collect from your area if there are bulk quantities registered. The drumMUSTER program operating at our transfer stations accepts empty drums for free recycling.
To ensure safe disposal, empty chemical containers must be:
- Triple-rinsed and free of chemical residue
- Clean and dry
- Punctured if metal
- Free of any lids
Moorabool Shire Council does not have a paint disposal option. Ballarat and Melton Council's accept paint at their transfer stations. Please call ahead to ensure that as a Moorabool resident, you will be permitted to drop off paint at: