CLOSED: Have your say on the Bacchus Marsh Town Centre Structure Plan
Please note this consultation is now closed. The below information is provided for information only.
Help us shape an exciting long-term vision for the Bacchus Marsh Town Centre!

The Bacchus Marsh Town Centre Structure Plan project commenced in 2023. The Structure Plan will set a strategic vision and seek to strengthen the role of the town centre as the primary civic, employment and retail precinct in the Shire.
Feedback from the initial community consultation in 2023 identified that a structure plan needed to support a town centre that built on the existing character, heritage buildings and trees, was a nice place to spend time, and was easy to get around safely.
Project Purpose
The purpose of the Structure Plan is to establish a framework for guiding land use and development within the Bacchus Marsh Town Centre, with a particular focus on delivering the community objectives from the Vision Statements, including:
1. A sustainable Town Centre that showcases its rural charm and history, and protects and celebrates its heritage and natural assets.
2. A vibrant Town Centre with a clear sense of arrival, central meeting place and economically activated main street, well supported by bustling side streets, which all showcase the rural charm of Moorabool Shire.
3. A welcoming Town Centre, with a strong regionally focused economy that attracts commercial uses and activities to supply the needs of the local and wider regional community.
4. An accessible Town Centre, which provides community buildings, parks, commercial and residential areas, convenient public transport and parking options, all linked by tree-lined streets and safe walking and cycling infrastructure.
5. An inviting Town Centre which encourages appropriately located residential development to achieve sustainable and diverse housing outcomes.
Study Area
A study area has been devised that includes the retail core and immediate surrounds, the Bacchus Marsh Station, and the potential for additional pedestrian links to be established.
An important focus for the project is the town centre retail core and the immediate areas surrounding it including pedestrian connections to the Bacchus Marsh Station. The project will also consider the interface and integration of the town centre retail core with residential areas in proximity to the town centre.

In this consultation, Council is also seeking community feedback on what should be included in a future Civic Precinct located around the library and RSL on Main Street.
How to have your say
Provide Feedback Here
You can also provide feedback via the following ways:
- Via email to with the subject line ‘draft Bacchus Marsh Town Centre Structure Plan’
- In writing via a letter addressed to Strategic Planning, Moorabool Shire Council, PO Box 18, Ballan Victoria, 3342
Project Document Library & Links
Project FAQs
What is a Structure Plan?
A Structure Plan is a document that develops a shared long-term vision to guide land use, built form, public space and infrastructure within an activity centre. The Structure Plan ensures that future growth is accommodated in an orderly and sustainable manner and may include key directions and improvement projects to help achieve the vision and proposes land use zoning changes, built form guidelines and changes to overlays. Once a Structure Plan is adopted by Council, it will be implemented into the Moorabool Planning Scheme via a future planning scheme amendment process.
Why are we doing this now?
The existing Structure Plan was completed before the Bacchus Marsh Urban Growth Framework identified large residential investigation areas which will increase the number of people visiting the town. An update is required in order to ensure that it can remain a pleasant and attractive regional town into the future.
What consultation has occurred?
Following the Round 1 consultation with stakeholders and community, a vision was developed to guide the preparation of the Draft Structure Plan. The Vision consultation summary is viewable in the document library.
How will your feedback and participation inform the project?
All feedback will be reviewed and potential changes as an outcome of feedback will be considered. A Round 2 community consultation feedback summary will be prepared and published following this round of consultation.
What plans have been made for the Civic Precinct?
The draft Structure Plan 2024 and the Activity Centre Structure Plan 2011 both indicate a Civic precinct located behind the RSL and Library. The draft Structure Plan 2024 does not set out specific land uses or development for this site beyond broad guidelines. A future civic precinct design may include community, civic (council), retail and commercial uses. Future designs would consider community feedback, including any received through this consultation.
What are the next steps for this project?
After consultation finishes, Council will review the feedback and make any required changes to the Structure Plan. A final Structure Plan will be brought to Council for adoption along with a community consultation summary.
Project Timeline
- Project inception & Site visit (complete)
- Background Review & Analysis Consultation round #1 (complete)
- Visioning & Emerging ideas (complete)
- Draft Structure Plan Consultation round (current)
- Final Structure Plan adoption (planned)
Key dates
Consultation opens 12 July 2024
Consultation closes 11 August 2024
For more information on this consultation, please contact:
Liam Prescott, Strategic Planner, Strategic Planning & Development
Phone: (03) 5366 7100